Sometimes i think i get too comfortable with life that i tend to forget how blessed i am actually.
Was talking to this person on the bus.
We met occasionally on the bus stop.
So happened that i met him today.
We talked the usual stuff la - studies.
But then somehow it moved on into the personal life.
I don't know bout him but i find it personal.
But since he don't mind sharing, i don't mind listening.
Listening to him really taught me how i should be grateful.
Problems like doesn't like going back home..Conflicts and problems with parent to a point where dislike comes in..and the list goes on.
I'd rather my parents calling me asking where i am and telling me to come back asap rather than not bothered about my whereabouts.
There's not much advice i can tell him cuz it would be hard to put myself in his situation.
The picture i had in mind is probably just a small part of what he's facing.
I actually felt sad for him.
He left saying :
I told God i can't stand this anymore.
Which left me pondering.
There's stuff i wanted to tell him but time wouldn't allow.
But if i had that extra minute i'll tell him
pray more.
It doesn't matter how weird it feels after not praying for a long time.
Because He's always there for u.